Memories of the Future
*I’m republishing this post to include a voice memo of the visualization included. Please take a minute to close your eyes and do the visualization. It’s very powerful….
The premise for this post came from a visualization I did the other day and it was really powerful. I always tell Baldy…”we have so much still to do and we’re not getting any younger”.
When you’re younger with busy children and a busy life…trying to build a career, or just maintain some quality of life at home while your children are growing up, you often don’t have time to stop and think about how you’re living your live, which is sad in some ways.
I don’t mean that these aren’t happy times because some of the best memories I have are memories of special times when our children were younger…I just mean that life kind of lives you because of the busyness. You don’t have time to be as purposeful as you would like to be.
Then…suddenly, life changes. The busyness comes in spurts with children going to college, getting married, having babies, travel, a new career and you’re left with stretches of time in between to reflect and think back on life and dream of what the rest of your life will be like. Hopefully you realize that you wouldn’t be the person you are today with all of the opportunity ahead of you if you had not lived the life you lived.
I can look back and see that there were lessons I needed to learn and sometimes those lessons came in a hard way, but it makes sense now. The Universe has perfect timing…
It’s all too easy to worry (I am very guilty) that there isn’t enough time left, that things aren’t happening quickly enough, that life will be over and you will still have a long list of things you didn’t get to accomplish or enjoy.
But…if you’ve planted seeds of love, hope and desire, and you trust, things will (and always have), happen just the way they are supposed to. So go ahead…plan, dream and truly trust! You will be amazed at the magic that lies ahead because you still have time. You can still create everything you want in your life!
So…to all of you who are reading this and feel that time may be running out, sit quietly, block out the noise of thoughts in your head and try this visualization because it will shift they way you’re looking at the rest of your life!
Close your eyes and imagine a line that goes as far back as you can comprehend and goes into the future as far ahead as you can comprehend.
There is a spot on that line where you are in your life…a spot where you stand in time right now. Plant your feet firmly on the line and feel grounded in this space and time. Claim how old you are right now and be grateful that you made it this far.
Breathe deeply and look back on the timeline of your life. What were the pivotal moments of the past year that are on that timeline? What are the memories, the milestones, the celebrations of the last year? Now look a little further back and pull some memories from the past five years. What stands out and what did you overcome?
Going back even further, remember the things you did as a young women. Who were the friends that helped you along the way? What are your memories of that time in your life?
Now, see yourself as a teenager…and as a little child. Try to remember the smiles and laughter. What did overcome as a child and teenager and what were the lessons learned. These are flashes in your mind of your past.
Now, walk ahead through time until your’e back standing on the timeline in the present moment again.
Look the other way, see the blank canvas ahead of you on the line. Jump ahead and look back as if you are looking back on the life you’ve created from this present moment.
In your mind, create memories that haven’t happened yet. What are the possibilities of what could happen in the next year. Capture moments of time spent with someone you love. Imagine a family holiday that is so beautiful in your mind, a financial milestone being crossed. Imagine ultimate health, a vacation you’ve been on. See these events in your future like a memory that hasn’t happened yet…memories of the future!
Move the timeline ahead 5 years and imagine what you will have done…10 years…15 years. See yourself and celebrate that you are older and wiser. In your mind, you are ahead of now…you are yourself looking back on the time from where you stand.
There will be a day on this timeline in the future where you are old and the woman you are today is in the past. What will she have done, created, what are the memories that make you smile, what lessons did you learn…?
Smile with deep excitement for everything that’s yet to come…the good stuff, the bad stuff, the hard stuff and the big stuff. You’re building this life, for you now and for the woman you become on the walk. Claim that timeline of things to come like a gift. You’re still ahead of it and you get to create it every day. Feel that sense of power over time. There’s so much of it. Claim this space of absolute power for your life and how you respond to the things that occur from now until then.
Breathe in power, breathe in trust. Exhale doubt, breath in excitement, exhale fear. Inhale pure potential energy, exhale predictable thoughts. This life is yours for the making and from where you’re standing, it’s only just the beginning. You are the youngest you will ever be today, so now what? Send a good thought, love, and a hug to the version of you that you are creating. Make sure that at the end of the timeline there are great stories to tell and so many memories of a life well lived!
Now hold all the timelines at once…no more past, no more future, only now and who you are as you are in this moment. You are left with memories of the future to create a beautiful life.
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Memories of the Future
***This visualization came from Melanie Ann Layer and I want to give her full credit for it. I wrote it in my words as I remember it. I am so grateful to this young woman who is wise beyond her years, for sharing that wisdom.
Every time I do this visualization (and I’ve done it quite a few times), it makes me cry a little for some memories and it makes me feel excited for the life I get to create! I’m quite sure that this way of looking at time will change the course of my life in ways that I could never have imagined before!
I suggest you read over the visualization and then in your mind with your eyes closed, do it again…really be present and give it everything! I hope it’s as powerful for you as it has been for me! Thanks for reading and as always…leave a comment and let me know what you think…was this helpful, did it give you hope for the life you get to create that’s yet to come?