The Most Amazing Coffee - Cafe 504

I don’t know about you, but I start craving my coffee the minute my feet hit the floor! If Baldy i(aka, Mr. Crazy), is home, he starts the coffee and it’s ready when I come downstairs. If he’s out of town, I start it first thing myself! I do have a big glass of water and my supplements first, but the coffee is the prize that I always look forward to with half & half and sugar, please!

Cafe 504 Coffee - Crazy Blonde Life

When Cafe 504 reached out to me and asked me to try their Mineral Infused Coffee, I did a little looking around on their website and decided to take them up on it for several reasons…keep reading and I’ll explain!

Cafe 504 Coffee comes in a variety of blends, including whole bean, ground, or K cup pods. I chose the whole bean to try because we brew our coffee in a Breville Coffee Maker that grinds the beans with a burr grinder. This supposedly makes the coffee taste better. I’ve been drinking Cafe 504 for about a week now and it has a smooth, rich flavor. I like the coffee so much that I signed up for their subscription plan and I’ll get a 2 pound bag of coffee beans delivered to my door every month.

Cafe 504 Coffee

Cafe 504 is a small company based in Texas. They make premium mineral-infused coffee that directly supports small farmers in Honduras through their partnership with World Vision. Each bag purchased provides clean water to Honduras and creates lasting sustainable opportunities for Honduran Farmers.

Mineral Infused Coffee Improves the Final Cup

Cafe 504 Coffee - Crazy Blonde Life
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To order your first bag, click on this link for Cafe 504. Use my promo code FIRST10 to receive 10% off your order. You can also order a monthly subscription and get receive your first bag free with the code FIRSTFREE.

Either way, you can’t go wrong with Cafe 504…

Cafe 504 Coffee

Have you tried Cafe 504 Coffee? Leave me a comment and let me know! Also, if you don’t already, be sure to follow me on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest! I share every day and I would love to see you on my pages!

Cafe 504 Coffee - Crazy Blonde Life

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