Spring Powder Room Refresh

When preparing your powder room for guests, it's important to create a welcoming and beautiful space. Here are some items to consider including…

Pretty hand towels…disposable hand towels are fine but I like to include a collection of pretty linen hand towels as well as disposal ones in a lucite tray.

Offer liquid soap or small bars of scented soap.

Make sure you have backup toilet paper.

Use pretty containers to hold Tic Tacs, Altoids, matches, dental floss, lip balm and Q-tips.

Fresh flowers are always nice!

Don’t forget a pretty trash can.

Have a lamp turned on and use a dimmer for overhead lighting.

Your guests will feel spoiled and appreciate that you thook the time to create a powder room that is pretty, functional and accommodating. Practicality with a touch of luxury…

Hope you’ve enjoyed this post and thanks so much for reading!

~XOXO Suzanne

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