Let's Lift Each Other Up!
I’ve spent many hours reading and learning on this front porch…it’s always been one of my happy places!
A Beautiful Story…
“A water bearer carried two large clay pots, each hanging on opposite ends of a pole, which he carried to and from a well that was half a mile away. One pot was cracked, while the other pot appeared smooth and perfect. By the end of the long walk from the well to the house, the cracked pot always arrived half full, while the smooth pot remained full of water. This went on for two years, with the water bearer delivering only one and a half pots of water each day. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, while the poor cracked pot felt self-conscious of it's own imperfection and ashamed that it was only able to achieve half of what it was designed to do. While feeling particularly depressed one day, the cracked pot opened up to the the water bearer. “I am so ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house.” The water bearer laughed, and replied to the pot, “Yes, you leak water, but haven’t you noticed the beautiful flowers growing on your side of the path, and not on the other pot’s side?” That’s because I have always known about your flaw, and two years ago, I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, so when I carry you back each day, you water them.” “For two years, I have picked these gorgeous flowers to decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this incredible beauty to grace our home.” ~ Light Watkins, from Knowing Where to Look
Life can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be…however, that’s an evolution, not a given. Life is hard until you learn and do the work and know in your heart and mind that it doesn’t have to be hard. Life is supposed to be filled with joy and wonder…but…
We are mostly born to parents who did their best (you could argue that all parents do their best), and unfortunately we inherit their “stuff” because they’ve taught us what they know. They never knew about the beauty within themselves and were unable to teach about that beauty. We are left as adolescents, young adults and adults dealing with generations of “stuff” that was never dealt with. So many times, we then become those same parents! Why is this? I have no idea, but I do feel that humanity is finally evolving. I think there are those who are waking up and realizing this isn’t the way it has to be. We’re learning that we don’t have to believe everything we’ve been taught and we have the choice to change our minds and our lives. And in turn, change the lives of others. One of my goals is to show my girls a different way by becoming a person who shows up for herself and others…because I know they inherited some of my “stuff”. I can’t undo that now, but I can tell them that I’ve learned and they can watch me continue to change and grow.
I came across a comment on the Mind Your Mind post I wrote recently. It said…”every couple of years you talk about your bad marriage.”…that was it, the whole comment. Wow…thank’s for that! I’m not sure what this person meant, but I do know that in the beginning of my blogging career this would have devastated me, however, today I know that this woman is clearly reading my blog, and for some reason, feels the need to tear me down, but it’s not about me.
Why in the world do I keep writing these posts?…because I believe it’s important to use my platform, however big or small it is to do my part to make the world a better place. I believe it’s important to build connections and community and to start a conversation…sharing what we’ve learned, talking about our hopes and fears and encouraging one another to do the same.
Why do bad things happen to us, why do our parents teach us things that aren’t true, why do we make life so hard?
“It’s not up to you what you learn, but only whether you learn through joy or through pain.” – A Course In Miracles
Bad things happen because we have separated ourselves from our Source. What I don’t know is why we let ourselves be separated in the grand scheme of things (that’s a very deep question). I wrote a couple of days ago that we are all children of God and have the power of the whole Universe inside of us. Our job is to express that power through our own uniqueness. There is still so much I have to learn and I’m so eager to soak it all in, I’m also eager to share what I’ve learned and am learning here on this blog. The more connected we are to our inner voices and our “God within”, the happier we are. When we’re caught up in our egos and believing the endless, depressing thoughts our egos tell us about what could possibly go wrong, about how bad this or that person is, about how hard and unfair life is, about who did what to us - that becomes our reality.
I’ve talked about some of things that I’ve lived through in my life and yes, looking back I can see the lessons I was supposed to learn and I’m grateful for those lessons now. Let me be perfectly clear…that doesn’t mean it still doesn’t hurt sometimes, or that I have forgotten. It just means I’ve realized for that lesson, I chose to learn through pain, but I wouldn’t trade that lesson for the world.
I share because I know I’m not alone, and because I’ve learned so much on my journey. I share because I want to give other women hope that their lives can change for the better because the power lies within them to make the change!
I share because I know life is an evolution and each tiny step you take to make your life better is very significant.
I don’t share because I want to talk about my “bad marriage”. My life and marriage are so much better because I saw my part in the problem. Because I realize that not everything that happens, even if affects my life, is always about me.
I know if I can help just one person by telling my story and how I came out the other side, it’s worth it! Even if there are 15 (or 500) others who think I’m crazy.
It’s more and more important with every passing moment that we support each other as women. Powerful women and powerful feminine energy can help to heal the world.
We have a responsibility to lift each other up and honor our differences.
We have a responsibility to use our voices for good and for change. So…I encourage you to speak up…tell your story, heal your pain and please be kind.
You never know what anyone is going through and you never know how your words can help…or hurt. Think before you speak!
There is power in simply making a decision…to live in gratitude, which leads to trust, and ultimately freedom.
Below, I’m sharing a few things that are comforting, yummy, inspiring and will make you feel good. One of those is the book (Knowing Where to Look by Light Watkins), where I found the quote at the beginning of this post. I have followed Light Watkins on Instagram for a while now and was very excited when this book came out. It’s filled with 108 tidbits of wisdom that truly can be life changing.
“Have you been called to express yourself with a level of courage and honesty that surprised even you? Did an image or moment cause you such joy that you needed to share it with the world? If so, you know what it means to be inspired.” I promise you’ll love this book…