Last Year’s Model
As I was walking Amos this morning and listening to a program I’m taking from Melanie Ann Layer, she said something to the effect that if you go into a car dealership and you want to buy this year’s model of the car you already have and it’s the exact same only newer, that’s really kind of boring (this was a whole program and I won’t get into the full details). What you really want isn’t last year’s model, you want more..more bells and whistles, something improved and better than last year’s model!
This made me think about us as women, aging gracefully, but never-the-less…aging. We certainly have years left and life to live in those years. Life is supposed to be full, good, exciting…whatever you want it to be!
Mother’s Day 2024 at The Carolina Inn in Chapel Hill, NC
When next year rolls around, I don’t want to be the same person, only a year older. I want to be a person who has consciously chosen to learn and grow and become more of who I was put on this earth to be.
I continue to go back to the idea of being curious when thinking about what I want and how I want to be in my life. What am I curious about? What things do I question? What things do I want to do? Where do I want to go? What do I want my life to look like next year this time?
In your life…you know what is probable, you know what is predictable, but do you know what is possible? Do you know your potential and is it important that you live up to it?
I really believe that curiosity can lead us to our potential. Different people are curious about different things and there’s a reason for that! Follow your curiosity…see where it leads and whatever you do…don’t be “last year’s model”…be this year’s new and improved! Get curious and see where it leads!
Being the new and improved version of myself is not just for me…the more I do to improve, the better I’ll be for my family and really, for everyone I come in contact with!
Thanks so much for reading today!
Things I’m Loving Lately…