Home Is Where the Best Moments Happen

This is a moment in history…a moment unlike any other that we’ve lived through before, because we have to stay home. Home takes on a whole new meaning when you’re there almost 24/7…cooking, eating, working and just being.

I have always loved to make our home beautiful, no matter where we were living and that has become more important to me now more than ever. I want to create a space that not only looks beautiful, but is functional and meets the needs of our family.

Every day, when I open my Instagram or read my favorite blogs, the posts are about home…what to wear (at home), what to organize, what to cook, and how to enjoy being home…all of the time. I think there is an art to making a home and the art of making a home has been somewhat forgotten because of living very busy lives that take us away from home every day.

A home that has been thoughtfully created is so much more than just a house. I am lucky to live in a home surrounded by my loved ones and objects that I love.. It’s become a happy place where I can nurture myself and my family and also rest and create. It is a space that makes the rest of my life possible., Within the walls of our homes, even at times when we aren’t confined…it’s where we create memories and manage our lives. It’s important to make it a place where we can be ourselves and feel safe, protected, nurtured and loved.

Our homes are a reflection of how we see ourselves and they evolve as we evolve. Not only are we evolving at this moment in time, as individuals, the world is evolving as well. It’s time to come home, create a space that meets our needs and enriches our lives because home is where the best moments happen!

Home is where the magic happens - Crazy Blonde Life

I love to look at beautiful images of homes and decor! Pinterest and Tumblr are huge rabbit holes for me, and I find ideas that inspire me to make our home more beautiful. I’m sharing some of my favorite images from Pinterest below in the hopes that you get inspired also.

Every morning, when I look at my Instagram feed and my favorite blogs, the posts are about what to do at home, what to wear at home, what to cook, what to organize and in general…how to be home and be happy. I have several projects started that hopefully will be completed this week and every day, things get a little more organized and hopefully beautiful around here. We’ve also been planting flowers and working on making the outside a space we want to lie in as the weather gets warmer.

Home is where the magic happens - Crazy Blonde Life

Here are a few ways to help make your home…more homey…

Declutter - I’m still surprised after living in my own home for many years, how much better the simple act of walking around and putting everything in its place makes me feel!

Update and Incorporate Family Photos - this is something I want to work on! Everything is digital now and I haven’t updated our family photos in years. It’s such an easy thing to do with websites such as Shutterfly and Snapfish!

Display Items that Bring You Joy - Treasures from a favorite vacation, shells collected from a beach trip, and photos from a family wedding all deserve to be shown off. Not only will they make your home more personal, but they will spark memories and serve as conversation pieces.

Find a Signature Scent - There is nothing better than walking into a home that smells good. Our sense of smell is our most powerful sense, and can evoke strong memories. When it comes to your home, make sure it’s clean and then pick a scent that is light and not overwhelming. You can burn a beautiful candle, add a diffuser, or even put an arrangement of eucalyptus out in your entry. My favorite perfume scents our home and sometimes, I spray it on the furniture so the whole house smells good!

Choose Art You Love- Even a piece of your child's art can make a beautiful and meaningful statement. When matted and framed, it will fit in with the rest of your decor. This might be a good time to pull out your own paint brushes and paint a picture yourself, or commission your kids to make a piece of art that matches your decor.

Make Spaces for Your Interests and Your Office - Even if it’s just a nook or corner of the room, it’s important to have designated spaces for your hobbies and work. Dedicating part of your home to your yoga practice or creating a small office will not only make it easier to do what you need to do.

Make Your Entry Inviting - Right now no one is having guests over, but your entry is still the first thing you see when you walk in the door. The front door and entryway can transform the vibe of your home. It's the first thing you see when you come home and it's the first thing guests see when they come over, so it sets the tone for your entire home. Add a welcome mat and a few potted plants and keep the clutter put away…shoes, coats, etc. 

Home Organization book -Crazy Blonde Life

The Home Edit

By Clea Shearer - Amazon $14

I’ve created a little boutique of things that I’m loving right now…the outdoor chair from Target is at the top of my list!

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How are you making your home feel like a haven these days?


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