Let It Be Easy + A Valentine's Day Understated Look
The first couple of weeks of January has left me feeling overwhelmed and anxious about all I’ve taken on.
This morning, I had to really sit with that and reaffirm my faith…knowing that I am always being guided and supported.
We make things harder than they need to be by trying to force things to happen instead of trusting that they will. We certainly have a responsibility to do the work, but it can flow instead of feeling painful.
I’ve been telling myself a story about how much I have to do and how I only have a certain amount of time to get it done. I’ve made everything seem like work instead of enjoying the process.
Our lives are made up of years, months, days and ultimately small moments. In the end, it’s not so much about what you’ve accomplished, it’s about how well you lived.
When the focus is on living well, the accomplishments come so much more easily!
This cute coat from Anthropologie has been one of my favorite purchases! It’s a perfect, more understated choice for Valentine’s Day, but really for anytime! The styling options are endless because of the neutral colors but since I’m the jean queen, that's what I always reach for first. And…speaking of neutrals, this coat would look amazing styled with neutral pants, a traditional button up white blouse (or this cute ruffle sleeve option) and tan Chelsea boots! I’ll definitely be trying that option!
Oh…and did I mention…this fabulous coat comes in green too!
Do you have times in your life when you let the stress take over? Take care of yourself, meditate and come back to knowing that you are okay…you got this! Happy Wednesday!