What Is a Balanced Life?
I’m not sure when my life started to change exactly. Four years ago, I can remember days when I wondered what in the world I would do with myself and considered going back to school (but not for long), or getting a job. That is, as you know, when Crazy Blonde Life started. Children have a way of keeping you busy and when they’re little, you think it’s a really crazy time, but the true crazy comes later when they’re older. I schedule most of my life between going to visit my daughters, celebrating their birthdays, planning and cooking for holidays, children being born, and just plain missing them and wanting to go and visit. When all of that isn’t going on, one of them seems to be here. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining, I do love seeing them! However, just when I get the house put back together, the beds changed, the refrigerator cleaned out, etc., one of them is back again or I’m going to visit and the whole process starts over. Travel, visits, cleaning and organizing and travel, visits, cleaning and organizing…you get the picture. Throw blogging in there and I’m a very busy lady! I have decided that there is no such thing as a balanced life, the balance comes in your head. That’s where mindfulness comes in and I do believe it’s the only way to survive and keep your sanity! Yesterday, as I was driving home from Atlanta, I listened to Oprah’s Soul Conversation Podcast with Jon Kabat Zinn. It was one of the most thought provoking podcasts I’ve ever listened to. Zinn speaks of making your life a meditation…in other words being mindful and staying present in the moment, every day as often as possible. Truly living your life!
By staying in the moment we have the chance to return to what’s best about ourselves. The practice of mindfulness is about living your life as if it really mattered from moment to moment. Life itself is the practice. It’s about being aware of all of our senses. Any moment we’re not aware, or attentive, is a moment lost. So many people live their whole lives without being present.
“Only that day dawns to which we are awake.”~ Henry David Thoreau
It’s impossible to be totally present in every moment, but part of mindfulness is being the observer. We are all able to observe when we’re not being mindful and bring ourselves back over and over again.
I know that there will be days when I feel overwhelmed by the responsibility I feel to be the best mother, grandmother, maker of fun holidays, chef, gift giver…in other words, the one who makes it all happen. This is what I want. When I’m gone or very old, I don’t think anything else will matter to me other than knowing that my family is close and that we have amazing memories of time spent together. I will do my best to make my life a mindful meditation and enjoy each and every moment, even when I feel like I’m losing my mind. It’s always worth it in the end.
My outfit today is a mix of things I’ve had in my closet for years. As you know, I love wearing white jeans all year long because they go with everything. I paired an olive green silk top with my white jeans, leopard booties, a leather jacket and neutral bag. This is basically a uniform for me. Pairing a silk top with a jacket is perfect for this transitional season because obviously you can take off the jacket and put it back on later. This year for me is going to be the year of the jacket because I own so many that I love and I don’t wear them as often as I should.
I also wanted to let you know that Shopbop is having a fantastic sale right now that includes both full-price and sale items with limited exclusions. Spend under $500 and receive 20% off or spend over $500 to receive 25% off. Just use code STOCKUP18 at checkout. To help get you started shopping, I’m sharing some of my picks. This leopard coat is my favorite but honestly I could spend a fortune on so many different things! Keep scrolling for a whole boutique of irresistible items for fall!
Be sure to check back tomorrow for my very first podcast. I’ll be interviewing photographer and all around great lady, Carla Coulson! You don’t want to miss this one! Have a great day!