An Invitation to Live Your Best Life
Everything that has happened up to this point in your life has brought you to where you are today. Should there be any regrets, or worry about wasted? This is something that I think about probably way too often as I get older. There are many things in my life that I would do differently if I got a "do over". The fact is that no one gets a do over and we've all made mistakes and lived in ways that we wish we hadn't. Living and learning are a part of the human experience and it's so important to believe that life isn't happening to you. Life is unfolding for you! It's all about perception and when we are able to look at life through the eyes of appreciation and trust, things begin to change. The past and future are only illusions! Happiness lies in the present moment and looking back or stressing about what "might" happen is a waste of time. I believe that we all have been invited to go on a journey to live our best possible lives, but it's like any other invitation...if you're going to go on the journey you first have to accept the invitation. That means, trusting that the "Universe has your back"!
What is your grandest, most sparkling vision for your life? What brings you joy? There was a time that I was embarrassed to admit the things that I wanted in my life, because there seems to be a societal perception that if you want to live a big life full of travel and fun; you are selfish. I want to serve others, but I now know that I can best serve others when I am in my greatest joy. We have personal passions and preferences for a reason and when we are able to follow those passions and preferences and be who we really are, that's when we are in a place to serve. The bravest thing you can ever do in your life is to be totally completely yourself.
Crazy Blonde Life is a way for me to share my truth with the world.
Holding your grand vision is so important. There will be days when you feel like giving up and the struggle seems too hard. Let your actions carry you through and help you keep the fire of your passion! Motivation follows action...even if you only spend fifteen minutes toward making your dreams come true, that's fifteen minutes and it counts. In other words, if you don't feel motivated, take some action and the motivation will come! Don't allow yourself to be a victim of your circumstances.
Thoughts are powerful and sometimes going down the rabbit hole is inevitable. This is where self care comes matter and you are worth taking care of. If everyone realized their worth, this world would be a different place. Stress causes so many problems in life including physical and mental illnesses. Cultivating the ability to live in the present moment and stop thinking about the past and worrying about the future is the best way to deal with stress. I have found that meditation helps and throughout the day, when I find that I'm feeling stressed or getting upset about my current situation (which happens often right now), going back to my breath can bring me back to the present more quickly than anything else. Yoga has also been a great tool for dealing with stress. It's a physical and a mental practice that is very calming. I deal with life in a better way when I have taken the time to take care of me. Remember that the better you feel, the more you are in a place to help the world and be a positive influence.
This is your journey so be true to yourself. Your first priority should be you and this is not selfish. If you aren't true to yourself, you will find that you are allowing other people and circumstances to control you. I have found that when I am honest about my situation and what I'm going through, people step up to help me and support me in a big way. Humans are meant to live in community and most people truly want to lift you up.
Spend time learning, laughing, playing and having fun. Accept the invitation that life is offering. The world needs you and your gifts. Find out what those gifts are and you will discover how you can be of the highest service to the world.
I hope you've enjoyed this post! I have accepted the invitation to live my best life and I know that the Universe has my back. Some days are harder than others and setbacks come, but ultimately, I'm moving ahead one step at a time.
My Bucket List is a journal that will inspire you to collect and fulfill your dreams desires and ideas of what you want to do with your life! I found this journal while in Blowing Rock this past weekend and I can't wait to start writing in it!
Have you accepted the invitation to start the journey to live your best life? I would love to know your thoughts on this! Please leave your comments below!
Have a great day and thanks so much for reading Crazy Blonde Life!