Why It's Important To Journal
Photo by Emily Genzer
The older I get, the more I realize how incredibly blessed I am...in spite of struggles. We all have them, day to day struggles that sometimes can weigh us down. Looking at the big picture is helpful and appreciation is so important. To appreciate (meaning to increase in value or growth), to become larger. When you think of appreciation in that way, it seems so natural to want to appreciate all of the things in your life. Opportunity for growth, or opportunity for appreciation is available to all of us every day. Appreciation also means the recognition and enjoyment of someone or something. Think of how a little child feels when they realize that you are enjoying them and recognizing them. When children have positive attention, they grow and thrive. It's no different for adults! Treat yourself well, find things, people and situations to appreciate. This is not about expecting appreciation from others. This is inner work, work from your heart because your life is your responsibility. Everything that happens is teaching you something so pay attention and appreciate everything in your life...and watch it grow in ways you can't imagine.
To grow is to appreciate.
I am so fortunate to be alive and healthy. My life right now is in a state of transition. We are always in transition, and some transitions are larger than others. I've resisted being alone for a very long time because the familiar is more comfortable than actually stepping out and making a change. I've been spending too much time thinking about how things should be and not enough time just enjoying the way things are. I am proud of where I am in my life and so many things are going well. The opportunities that lie ahead of me are endless, but only if I take advantage of them. Moving forward every single day (and enjoying it) is the only way to make dreams come true.
I haven't been journaling lately because I've telling myself the story that I'm way to busy to take the time to write in my journal. The truth is that I'm way to busy not to journal. It's so helpful to make time to dump your brain out onto a piece of paper every day. Just let the thoughts flow and see what comes out. I'm always surprised! Today, when I started writing, I felt anxious and I was writing about the things that were holding me back and what I needed to be doing and all of a sudden, it turned into a celebration of the things that I want to invite into my life. It felt so good to get it all down in my journal and then go back and read it!
More family, more long interesting conversations, more yoga, more sweaty workouts, more moving forward, more love, more good times, deeper relationships, more ease, more delicious food, more cooking, more time with friends, more celebration, freedom!
What do you want to invite into your life?
Stop procrastinating, stop getting angry, stop stressing yourself out because when you do, you miss out on the most beautiful moments of your life. When you only think about how hard things are, it keeps you from making progress on the things that are most important.
Cant believe it's already Thursday...leaving for Blowing Rock tomorrow to spend time with my little Hudson! Hope it's a great day!