Crazy Blonde Life

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Everyone loves a cheese plate! The cheese plate is the perfect solution for hors d'oeuvres at Thanksgiving because it is easy to prepare and always a crowd pleaser.  Add dried fruit, nuts and grapes to your favorite cheese selections and your guests will be happy as you finish the feast!

For this cheese tray, I used my vintage marble cheese block that I recently purchased at The Treasure House in Burlington, camellia blossoms from my yard, wonderful honey purchased on my trip to Provence in the Spring and a vintage runner from Antique European Linens.  The cheeses were purchased from Company Shops Market in Burlington,and include Drunken Goat Cheese, Cheddar with Cranberries, D'Affinois withHerbs  and Bucheron made with goats milk.  I added roasted pecans, dried apricots and dried cranberries.  This is such an easy and beautiful presentation!


I would love to know what you do to make your Thanksgiving easier and more beautiful!  Remember to sign up for daily emails from Crazy Blonde Life!